What on Earth Do We Know About Kesteva?

An image of a castle atop a hill, with a section of Kesteva's Royal Road climbing to it.

Some time ago, an anonymous former newspaper Editor in a fog-shrouded Midwestern town pulled a trove of historical records through a multidimensional door. The documents concerned the ancient kingdom of Kesteva.

Ever since Royal Road West agreed to convert ancient Kesteva’s documents into a role-playing game based on Dungeon World, the Editor has shipped us stacks and stacks of material.

I have no idea how what his system is, or whether he has a system at all. One week we get a bundle of Ulric’s Little Descriptives, one month we get a pile of drafts for the Kestevan Chronicle, another month we get a recipe for bread pudding with bourbon glaze.

And we didn’t think Kesteva had bourbon.

How old is Kesteva? Who knows? The Editor doesn’t seem to know. But month after month, he sends us ephemeric clutter of such variety we wonder whether he found his multidimensional door was into an ancient library or into that ancient library’s basement. If he hadn’t been pulling the material from another time, another world, we would say the Editor is a hoarder. But he keeps sending, and we keep publishing.

So our comprehension of ancient Kesteva is broad and inconsistently deep. We know …

That Kesteva was a world unlike ours. It had:

  • Dragons and other sentient non-human species
  • Schools, libraries, & etc.

All of these topics are covered in the sourcebooks and gaming aids Royal Road West is producing as part of the Editor’s Great Project. Our forthcoming free eblook Discover Kesteva gives a definitive introduction to the subject. As the Editor continues to send us more translated material, so we continue to publish it.

Sometimes I wonder if the fact that the Editor recovered all this material from a library skews our perception of Kesteva. Did the average Kestevan think of the grand library known to the Editor on a daily basis? Or was her or his mind filled with other daily thoughts–of work, of fresh air, of sex, of sports, of beer?

What do you think? If you were an ancient Kestevan, who would you be? What would you do? What thoughts would occupy your mind?

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