New Kestevan Chronicle entry online: On the Order of Agropo

A medieval-looking sword

Our knowledge of ancient Kesteva grows! Today we publish another entry in the Kestevan Chronicle. This one deals with vampirism and Ragnarok. And yet it contains that most frustrating phrase “but such things are written of elsewhere.”

Scholarship note: This post is an excellent example of how infuriating ancient texts can be to the researcher. “… but such things are written of elsewhere” is not helpful when the modern-world audience has limited access to “elsewhere.” We hope the Editor upon his next trip through the multidimensional door into ancient Kesteva will find more records pertaining to Ragnarok. What limited knowledge we have is contained in the upcoming Royal Road West Publication No. 1707, Discover Kesteva. Our Editor has not yet located a copy of “the book” that purports to describe the Order of Agropo. We are attempting to locate further K-Chron entries, letters or journals that detail the expedition’s findings. Alas, no such follow-ups have been found to date.

Dungeon World note: Gamemasters and players should make of the entry what they will. Ulric’s Little Descriptive of the Wild Wood gives background information on lost cities, and Dungeon World enthusiasts also may find the upcoming book Discover Kesteva useful.

Click here to read the entry.